Snow Guards Spacing Calculator
Use the calculator tool below to determine how many snow guards you need for your project, as well as what pattern to install them in.Note: Verification with the roofing panel/system manufacturer is recommended prior to installation of snow guards this includes but is not limited to panel loading, fastening and installation details and substrate material/thickness.

Metal Roofs with Panel Spans of 12" or Less

Snow Guards are installed in staggered rows to effectively hold the snow in place like cleats.
With roofs that have panel spans of 12" or less, a snow guard is place in the center of every other panel.
Please note: Usually rows start at 36" from the Eave. This number can be adjusted down to allow at least two rows of snow guards to be installed in the space.
Metal Roofs with Panel Spans of over 12"

Snow Guards are installed in staggered rows to effectively hold the snow in place like cleats.
With roofs that have panel spans of over 12", a snow guard is placed on the edge of each panel rib. The next row would see each snow guard placed on the opposite side of the panel to create the staggered pattern.
Please note: Usually rows start at 36" from the Eave. This number can be adjusted down to allow at least two rows of snow guards to be installed in the space.